What Pregnancy Really Feels Like, As Told By Cats….Hysterical | Meowacat

What Pregnancy Really Feels Like, As Told By Cats….Hysterical


Sometimes women that are pregnant or have been pregnant before, they can’t really summarize or define exactly what pregnancy is like. But, these cats can let you know exactly what it’s like. They’re not holding anything back. All the facts are on the table. They tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly about being pregnant….Get ready to laugh until you fall to the floor….

1. Telling The Husband “No Sex”


2. Screw heat, screw August, screw everything. Why did I do this to myself?


3. First Trimester/Second Trimester/All Trimester barfs. AKA Why did no one tell me? NO ONE.


4. Who ate the last of the donuts? I’m always hungry…


5. They told me I would feel beautiful. AKA I’m near my due date and what is life?
