10 Things You Should Never Say To A Cat Owner | Meowacat - Part 2

10 Things You Should Never Say To A Cat Owner


6. I Hate Cats


A flat, nasty swipe at all of cat-dom and the people who dwell there, this statement says more about the speaker than about felines. No reasoning or statistics will sway someone determined to despise one of nature’s most miraculous critters. The verb ‘hate’ curdles the spirit of the speaker, not the cats who are the object of such loathing.

7. You’re Gonna Be A Crazy Cat Lady


Any woman with even one cat has heard this insult disguised as a would-be witticism. It sounds like a nasty prophecy the speaker hopes will come true, like the reverse of a lottery win. Telling anyone she or he is crazy borders on just plain mean. Dumping on the person’s preference for purring roommates is unnecessary.

8. It’s Cruel Not to Let Your Cat Have Kittens


Parenthood is not for everyone, and the same is true with cats, who can get pregnant even at five months of age and give birth up to four times a year. Anyone who thinks a cat parent is wrong to prevent feline pregnancy has never visited an animal shelter during ‘kitten season,’ when millions of helpless, unwanted kittens flood in while countless others perish in grim circumstances. The Humane Society details the realities of what happens when people let their cats have kittens here.

9. That Cat’s So Ugly!


No cat parent should ever hear these brutal words, and luckily cats can’t comprehend much of humans’ conversations. My late Cassie—born with only one eye—was rejected by potential adopters for her ‘deformity.’  My current Shamrock sports a large black blotch around her nose, prompting some observers to say she has “such an ugly face.” Yet Leonardo da Vinci, who knew a thing or two about beauty, declared, “The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” I would definitely have to agree.

10. Cats are Evil and Sneaky


Legend, myth, superstition, stupidity: they all contribute to clichés about cats’ supposed ties to witchcraft or their penchant for plotting crimes against humanity. Like all domestic or wild animals, cats have no particular backstabbing agenda. Felines, from calicos to cheetahs, simply wish to survive. They may sense human affection or dislike, but their curious, playful nature does not mask a plan to steal human souls. In actuality, cats just want to have fun with that new catnip mouse.

Truth has spoken! Maybe this will make cat owners’ lives a little easier 🙂 Share with friends!

(h/t: pawculture )