10 Things You Should Never Say To A Cat Owner | Meowacat

10 Things You Should Never Say To A Cat Owner


People who don’t have cats, or never have even owned a cat before, certainly seem to have the most to say about owning them. It makes no sense, right?! And, you know what all their comments have in common? They’re all so stereotypical, couldn’t be farther from the truth, and to a cat owner, they are just annoying and unnecessary. So, non-cat owners, save yourselves the time, and do not say the following to anyone who is a cat owner….

1. Dogs Are Better Than Cats


Apples are better than bananas, mocha beats butter pecan and teal is the new black. Animal preference is strictly personal, and every critter has endearing and maddening qualities … just like their humans. Non-cat people usually do not know any cats, or, if they do, they have taunted a cat and been scratched as a consequence. They foolishly believe that if you like dogs, cats are out. Besides, many cat parents also share their homes and hearts (but not the cat’s food) with canines.

2. Why Don’t You Declaw Your Cat?


Declawing is definitely not for everyone, and, in fact, in some places it’s becoming illegal. As one anti-declawing vet points out here, cats are born with claws for a specific reason, part of which is to help express themselves. For me, the idea of removing a cat’s claws for the sake of sparing a sofa is a non-starter, so don’t even bother asking me about it.

3. Two Cats? Your Home Must Smell Like Litter!


Cat parents are fully aware of the reality of litter box(es), and the marketplace is flooded with products that make the cleaning chore easier and the eau de litter scent less pungent. Believe it or not, when handled properly, two cats (or even three) make no difference. Diligent owners clean the litter box regularly, just as they put out trash and mop the floor.

4. It Was Just a Cat


The death—whether sudden or expected—of a companion animal is no less jolting than any other loss. Yet thoughtless friends or family may wave off the passing of a cat as a minor inconvenience, like losing a pair of gloves. Minimizing such loss does not cheer up or energize the cat parent who must now mourn the memory of a beloved bundle of purr while at the same time enduring the jeers of others who diss her devotion.

5. You’ve Got Hair All Over You


Wow, that’s breaking news. All cat parents know their sweet kitties shed, and we accept the reality of removing cat hair whenever it appears. (And yes, a mostly black wardrobe can easily be enhanced by the presence of a black cat in the home!) Multiple cats mean multiple hues of cat hair, but at some point, cat parents realize cat hair will never completely vanish, even with an army of sticky rollers. Cat hair all over? Yes. Want some?