The Storage System For All Cat’s Curiousity: CATable 2.0 | Meowacat

The Storage System For All Cat’s Curiousity: CATable 2.0


These storage cubes are not only decoratively appealing, but also a fun new cat tower for kitties. Your living room and storage space will be never be dull while your cat will enjoys exploring the nooks and crannies. This clever and charming modular wall system of cubes is known as the CATable 2.0 was created by Ruan Hao, from LYCS, an architecture firm based in Hangzhou and Hong Kong.


It’s a 4 piece modular wall system of cubes that can serve a number of functions.


“Each one has a particular path for cat to stroll, and the “remainder” space would be used up to the cat lover’s own need: you can use them directly as stools, or stacking them into tea table, short ark, or even book shelf.”



“We designed CATable 1.0 which provides us with a unique space to share with our kitties…CATable 2.0 is no longer a proper-sized table. It consists of 4 pieces of cubic wooden module in exactly the same size.”



“You are participating designing your own furniture and creating a unique wonderland for your cat.”




This is a unique follow-up to the original CATable 1.0 and they seem to pair purrfectly together. Just a matter of time before the whole house is owned by our cats…Oh wait they already do. Share with a friend who you think will like CATable 2.0!