16+ Hysterical Cat Snapchats That Will Have You Falling Off Your Chair | Meowacat - Part 2

16+ Hysterical Cat Snapchats That Will Have You Falling Off Your Chair


6. The new neighbors are creeping on us!


7. …probably hoping you choke


8. La la la, you can’t see me…



9. “Sup girl? You know what this fur is made of? Boyfriend material”


10. Day 3: They still haven’t spotted me


11. Eqyptian cat


12. “Enjoy thy freedom now raven for when the day is nigh, I shall return for thy soul!”


  • D.S. Ryelle

    “I don’t own a cat…is this how you get a cat?”

    It is when they adopt you!

  • Dray

    14. Look Its a real-life Garfield!

  • DNathan

    15 was taken by a friend of mine 😉

  • Linda Beck

    #24 Cooking with cats… exactly why I tell my cat-owning co-worker “no thanks, I’m not feeling well today” whenever she brings in homemade goodies to the office. Cats on countertops… BARF. I know what those paws have tried to bury!

    • Martin Alberter

      cats would never leave any litter-box residue on their feet, they will lick it off with their antiseptic tongues.

    • kclobo2003 .

      It’s called cleaning and sterilizing your surfaces, something you must not know about, so I wouldn’t eat anything you bring either! Wow you are something else lady.

    • kclobo2003 .

      Do you actually Think, that all cat owners and or your coworkers in particular just let their cats run around the counters when they are making food? Or any cat or animal owners for that matter? WoW.

    • Tracey Hoy

      Our cats are banned from our bench tops but I still wash them down frequently anyway with antibac. Nobody has ever had food poisoning in our house. Ever. In fact my bench tops are probably cleaner than someone without a pet lol.