15+ Cats Who Think They Are Hiding From The Vet | Meowacat - Part 2

15+ Cats Who Think They Are Hiding From The Vet




6. “Ha, that vet will feel so silly when he realizes there is no cat here.”



7. “They called me The Phantom back when I was a kitten, that’s how quiet and sneaky I am.”


8. “Oh, nothing to see here, just an empty sink!”


  • D.S. Ryelle

    My dad’s cat once tried to hide under my ass while I was squatting down to see her. In my defense, I wasn’t that heavy yet!

  • Poindexter

    My Jack wouldn’t come out of his carrier so we had to take it apart to get him to be seen by the vet… all to find out there is nothing wrong with him… he’s just bulimic. Eat, puke, repeat 3 times a day.

  • Mommy Says

    Just one more reason I LOVE CATS!!! It’s THEIR way, or the. . .sink.

  • catherine marshall
  • Kyrkos Ekaterinaris

    I don’t see a cat in #1, and I’ve tried for a few minutes…

    • Zenyeti

      In the sink.

    • Quadra

      Look in the sink… like all the others.

  • sdsures

    Become one with the sink.

  • ZeeD

    Mine would sit behind my back in the chair

  • son of kinth

    Do not go peaceable to that damn vet
    A cat can always tell when a trip is due.
    Hide, hide, when your appointment time is due.

    Wise cats who watched, and learned the alphabet,
    And never let men know how much they knew,
    Do not go peaceable to that damn vet

    Young cats who want to keep their claws to whet
    On sofa legs, and save their privates too,
    Hide, hide, when your appointment time is set.

    Sick cats, poor things, whose stomachs are upset,
    But hate to eat some evil-smelling goo,
    Do not go peaceable to that damn vet.

    Old cats who have no wish to sleep yet,
    And plan to live another life or two, hide,
    Hide, hide, when your appointment time is set.

    And though your human sweetly calls his pet,
    Or rants and raves until his face is blue,
    Do not go peaceable to that damn vet.
    Hide, hide, hide, when your appointment time is set.