15 Cats That Are Real Life Superheroes By Saving Human Lives.. | Meowacat - Part 3

15 Cats That Are Real Life Superheroes By Saving Human Lives..


9. Jack The Clawless Cat Chased A Bear Up A Tree


Deep from within our file of “a news title that sound like complete, impossible BS” comes the story of Jack the cat. Jack was just relaxing in his backyard in Milford, New Jersey when a bear managed to roam into the area. Although Jack had most likely been informed that cats typically do not chase around huge, predatory animals significantly larger than themselves, on this particular day he was decidedly indifferent to this fact.

And so, he confronted the bear. Professional cat translators tell us that the Jack more than likely used a combination of swatting and screaming the following words: “Do you even know just who I am? I killed Smokey the Bear, bud!”

Needing no further encouragement, the bear scuttled his but up the tree like – dare I say it – a scared cat. Although the bear had been sufficiently scared off, Jack the cat wasn’t nearly done yet. As a display to show the bear just how little he appreciated his presence on his turf, he then proceeded to hiss and yowl at the bear for another 15 minutes. The bear did not take this too seriously, however, and it attempted an escape – after which Jack the cat promptly managed to run it up another tree and this time, the bear stayed put.

According to the cat’s owner, whose name is Donna Dickey, Jack’s motives are simple; “He doesn’t want anybody in his yard.”

8. Leo The Cat Defended His Owner From A Burglar


This is Leo – the very aptly named hero with the soul of a superhero badass lion. While he is the kind of cat that occasionally chases random cats off of his lawn for fun like a crotchety old man, Leo had a secret that he was hiding from humanity – he is a complete and total cat ninja.

Leo’s ninja status remained a secret until one night in December of 2011. Leo was on hour 23 of one of his daily naps when he faintly heard the distinct sound of somebody attempting to chisel their way into his home through the window. Unfortunately for the burglar, he had made a huge mistake and attempted to enter the house closest to where Leo was taking his snooze.

As the burglar climbed up the stairs, Leo quietly followed behind him. It was not until the feline let out a blood-curdling rabid-wild-animal caliber yowl which the person that had broken and entered realized that the home which he had stepped foot in was being guarded by a highly viscous, dangerous house cat.

Without further provocation, the burglar decided it best to flee the scene, thankful for being spared from the furry clutches of Leo the cat.


7. The Cat Who Saved Her Human From A Life-Threatening Gas Leak


Sometimes, a bad smell can mean much more than somebody forgetting to turn the fan on in the bathroom. While most of us humans are too numb in the nose to distinguish a gross stink from a potentially deadly one, cats have the amazing ability to detect the perfumes of poison – way before we are able to sense them ourselves.

This is exactly what Perche Pearl Camina, a cat with more syllables in her name and more notches in her badass belt was able to do. It began just when Perche, the cat of 67-year-old Wales resident Alan Nott, began to act oddly.

She then began to circle around the house’s gas box erratically, dashing between the general area of the box and Nott. However, this initial indication did not seem to work – Nott thought that he had forgotten to feed her breakfast. It is at this point that Perche most likely began to think about ways to grow a pair of thumbs so that she could point out the horrible stink emanating from within the house.

Nott realized at this point what was going on, quickly escaping the house with his cat before it could endanger them.