15 Cats Recreate Photos From Their Kittenhood | Meowacat

15 Cats Recreate Photos From Their Kittenhood


You know those pictures of people when they were babies or kids, and then they re-create them as adults? Well, these are the kitty versions. These cats recreate their most valuable kitten memories, as adults, and it’s oh so adorable. It’s also a little sad, because you see how much they’ve aged. But, we also see how valuable a cat is in their human’s life. And, how their “me, me, me” attitude stays with them for life 🙂

1. He still likes to sit on the computer


2. I’m Mittens, we’ve been best friends for 17 years



3. Yes it’s still my favourite cuddly toy!


4. It’s been 4 years and I still love to hang out on his shoulder
